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Today’s Paddock (4-8-23)

This is a fun blog series where we show you exactly the paddock that our animals are enjoying on a particular day. All of our animals are raised in their natural environment and the common denominator among them all is PASTURE ROTATION! So take a look through these blog posts to see where the animals find themselves on a given day.

Our broiler chickens had a challenging day this past Saturday, but with the help from our excellent team, we were able to keep the vast majority of them warm, dry and comfortable despite the heavy rainfall that persisted throughout the day. We also provided them with extra wind breaks by placing plywood boards and hog sorting panels against the side of the pen that the wind was coming from.

These pasture-raised broilers are grazed in a manner that provides a short period of high disturbance followed by a long period of rest. The chickens do a great job in this 24-hour period of grazing the grass and leaving behind a valuable load of fertilizer that feeds the soil and plants that will flourish there in the months of rest that lie ahead.

Check out this video from Saturday after we got all 19 pasture shelters bedded down with straw!

  • Size: .05 acres (120 sq. ft. / shelter, 19 shelters)
  • Number of chickens: 1500 (or something like that)
  • Class of livestock: broiler chickens
  • Type of grasses: oats, ryegrass, vetch, clover
  • Grazing duration: 24 hours