Little League Pork Bundle


This is a great way to sample our premium pasture-raised pork.

For your convenience, we have made a new addition to our bundle pages! There are now links to recipe suggestions for each cut of meat within your bundle. These are recipes that we thought looked amazing, or recipes that we have personally used and wanted to share! We hope that this will help make each meal time easier for you! If there are any tried and true recipes that you would like to share, please feel free to send those to us via email containing a link to a document or website to your suggestion. You just might see your name alongside your suggestion on our website!

Email your suggestions and the name you’d like to appear on our website to:

  • Mild Sausage × 5

    Our Mild Sausage is as versatile as it is delicious!

    This comes in one pound, vacuum sealed packs that are clearly labeled.

    Check out our other Mild Sausage bundles sizes:  20 lb, 40 lb


    In stock

  • Pork Cutlets × 3

    Our Pork Cutlets are priced at $9.49 per lb.

    You will receive approximately 1-1.25 lb. per pack.

    In stock

  • Pork Filet

    Our Pork Filet is priced at $14.95 per lb.

    You will receive 1 per pack. Each pack weighs approximately .75-1.3 lbs.

    In stock

SKU: gfb476-1-1-1-1 Categories: , Tags: ,

Additional information

Mild Sausage

Sausage Bundle Size

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