Beef Bone and Organ Bundle


If you’re looking for bones and organs from our 100% grass fed cattle then you are in the right spot!  Bundle and save over 40% off retail!

This is a great option to add on to our Standard Beef Bundles!

Bag of Beef Bones × 3

Great for dogs! These are beef bones from our 100% grass-fed cattle.  There is some meat on some of them.  They could be sorted and used for soup or stock as well.  They are different lengths and sizes, but each bag comes with about 10 pounds of bones at a great price!

Not vacuum sealed.

10-lb bag - $10

Beef both that is homemade and rendered from an animal that came from a trusted source can have many health benefits. Here is a link to instructions on how to make your own broth from your beef bones, as well as information about the possible health benefits of homemade broth vs. store bought.

In stock

Beef Marrow Bones × 2

Great for soups, broth and stock!

These are marrow bones from our 100% grass-fed cattle cut in 2 inch pieces and there are 6 pieces per pack.

1-2.5 pounds per pack. $5.49/lb.


Beef Marrow Bones can be used to make an excellent beef broth that carries some amazing health benefits.  Here are a few good reasons for using Marrow Bones:

  • The marrow bones produce an exceptional richness when used for making homemade broth.
  • Marrow Bones are also a generative source of healthy fats.
  • Healthy fats are compounded when sourced from grass-fed animals. They are known to have higher amounts of CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) and anti-inflammatory omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Marrow Bones contain many minerals that can easily be absorbed by our bodies.

Instead of pricey supplements, try some homemade bone broth to gain the benefits without the high cost!

Check out the recipe section below for links to recipes using Beef Marrow Bones. You will find step by step instructions on how to make your own broth as well as information about the possible health benefits of homemade broth vs. store bought.


In stock

Beef Fat × 2

Our Beef Fat is priced at $4.95/lb.

You will receive 1-2.5 lbs. per pack.

In stock

Beef Liver × 6

Our Beef Liver is priced at $5.99/lb.

Each pack comes with approximately 1 lb. of beef liver.

In stock

Beef Heart

Our Beef Heart is priced at $5.49/lb.

You will receive 1.5-2.5 lbs. per pack.

In stock

Beef Tongue

Our Beef Tongue is priced at $5.49/lb.

You will receive approximately 1.5-2.5 lbs. per pack.

In stock

Beef Kidney × 2

Our Beef Kidney is priced at $4.35/lb.

Each pack contains 1.5 - 2.5 lbs.

In stock

Only 9 left in stock


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Additional information

Bag of Bones Size


Bag of Beef Bones

Bag of Bones Size
