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Investing in local agriculture

Knowing your farmer has become increasingly important through the pandemic.  We have seen just how fragile the industrial food system is.  Wouldn’t it be great if instead of a handful of enormous meat processing plants we had thousands of small, embedded, family-owned meat processors scattered (distanced instead of centralized) across the country?  

This is one result that supporting your local farmer does.  Whether it’s Watson Farms or another local farm in the Carolinas, sourcing your proteins and produce from a farmer that you know is one way to vote for a more resilient food system. 

With that said, for those in the Charlotte and Rock Hill areas, there’s still time to place your order for Saturday’s Home Delivery and we’re also headed to our Greenville/Spartanburg pickup locations tomorrow as well.  Stock is limited, but we are getting a large amount of beef and pork back within the next couple weeks so please check back.  

We’ve had a lot going on at the farm lately, and we’ve been trying to document much of it so you can witness it.  So we’ll leave you with a couple videos from this week.

As always thanks for your support.  We’re looking forward to a productive year with a renewed consumer interest in local food!